Our approach, results and certifications


Personalise training content to reflect the learner's level and their needs.


Design a training course that encourages rapid learner progression.

Close relationship

Provide training courses that are enjoyable, with motivated trainers who take their learners' needs into account.

Putting it into practice

Develop skills through practical role-plays that reflect real professional and intercultural situations.

Blended learning

Integrate different ways of learning to optimise results.

Individual or group coursesdrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau portugaisdrapeau allemagnedrapeau de la Chinedrapeau arabedrapeau italiedrapeau du japondrapeau de la russieanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpf
Courses with e-learningdrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau portugaisdrapeau allemagne
Language workshopsdrapeau britannique
Intensive weeksdrapeau britanniquedrapeau français
Coachingdrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau allemagne
Conversationdrapeau britannique

An approach that will push you to progress!

Our pedagogy is designed to optimise your language acquisition in a minimum of time. On average our learners progress one full level on the CECRL scale* with 50 hours of training + e-learning. This is 50% faster than is generally accepted.

*CECRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which has 6 levels).

4.7 stars on Google (500+ reviews)


"Very satisfied" learners 2021 *


Attendance rate 2021


* Learners who rated their training at more than 8/10

A responsible approach


Intercountry is Qualiopi certified. This certification is awarded after a rigorous examination of our quality systems. Qualiopi guaranties that we follow strict guideline : respect for regulations and a code of ethics, promotion of a highly qualified staff, adaptation of our courses and materials to the learners' needs…

Certificate 1 / Certificate 2 / Certificate 3

logo qualiopiLa certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’action suivante : actions de formation

Intercountry is Datadock certified which demonstrates our compliance with the 6 legal quality criteria for the financing of vocational training.

logo datadock
Global Compact

Intercountry is part of Global Compact, a voluntary initiative that encourages sustainable business practices.

logo united nations global impact

Our Certifications

Intercountry has developed its own evaluations for many languages all available remotely. Our evaluations have several advantages :

• They are taken at the start and at the end of the training, allowing a precise measurement of progression made
• The trainers have access to comprehensive results which allows them to make a detailed analysis of the student's level
• They are taken internally on our own bespoke platform, which simplifies the process for the learner and employer (if applicable)

logo EYESlogo DICE

Intercountry is also an official exam centre for numerous internationally-recognised certifications, such as:

CertificationModalityLanguagesAdvantagesEligible for CPF 
Intercountry evaluationsDistancedrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau portugaisdrapeau allemagnedrapeau italie
  • Link between the test and our courses
  • Multilingual
  • Adaptive (ideal for beginners)
Test TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)Test Centre or distancedrapeau britannique
  • International recognition
  • General/professional English
Site web
Certification CLOEDistancedrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau allemagnedrapeau italie
  • Adapts to level and profession
  • Oral expression test
  • Multilingual
Site web
iCIMS Language AssessmentsDistancedrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau portugaisdrapeau allemagnedrapeau de la Chinedrapeau arabedrapeau italiedrapeau du japondrapeau de la russieanglais cpfanglais cpfanglais cpf
  • Price
  • Multilingual
  • Recorded oral expression test
 Site web
LinguaskillTest Centredrapeau britannique
  • International recognition
  • Business context
Site web
Certification Bright LanguageTest Centre or distancedrapeau britanniquedrapeau françaisdrapeau espagnedrapeau portugaisdrapeau allemagnedrapeau de la Chinedrapeau italiedrapeau de la russieanglais cpfanglais cpf
  • Multilingual
 Site web
Communiquer en anglais professionnel - English 360Distancedrapeau britannique
  • Price
  • 45-minute duration
Site web
Test d’aptitude à travailler en langue - LILATEDistancedrapeau britanniquedrapeau espagnedrapeau portugaisdrapeau allemagnedrapeau de la Chinedrapeau italiedrapeau de la russiedrapeau du japondrapeau arabeicône de la langue des signes
  • Adapts to level
  • Multilingual
  • Oral expression test
Site web

Certification CLOE

For any training funded by the CPF (Personal Training Account), the certification is mandatory. By registering, you agree to complete both parts of the evaluation:

First part (online with asynchronous supervision)

You will answer an adaptive questionnaire of 50 questions aimed at measuring your ability to:

  • Identify and use common or professional vocabulary adapted to the context,
  • Master the main grammatical structures necessary to construct coherent sentences of varying complexity,
  • Identify and use everyday or professional expressions,
  • Understand a short text and grasp its overall meaning and specific details,
  • Understand a statement, instructions, or questions from a speaker in the target language.

Second part (oral interview via videoconference)

By appointment, this evaluation includes a dialogue, one or more professional role plays, and a discussion on a professional theme or specific to your field of activity. This interview measures your ability to:

  • Use common or professional vocabulary suited to the communication situation,
  • Master the main grammatical structures necessary to construct coherent and varied sentences,
  • Communicate naturally orally,
  • Make yourself understood with clear pronunciation,
  • Develop interaction and dialogue.

Obtaining the certificate

Level A2 is required to obtain the certificate, but a higher level may be set depending on your professional project.

CLOE Certification References:
CLOE English Certification RS6435
CLOE German Certification RS6436
CLOE Spanish Certification RS6437
CLOE French as a Foreign Language Certification RS6438
CLOE Italian Certification RS6439

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’action suivante :
actions de formation

Copyright Intercountry 2025 | Updated 2/2025